Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Travel Tip of the Day:
If you're going to San Francisco, be sure to put a heavy-duty conditioner in your hair. Sometimes I think the air there is almost as bad as LA. That's a huge overstatement of course. A huge compliment completely undeserved by LA. At least San Francisco has some ventilation - the fog is like a big scrub brush every day.
See, the problem with this blog thing is that even when I write crap like the above paragraph I'm likely to press Publish Post, simply because it's right there. Quality control is tough when you're impatient and the button to be done with this is right in front of you.
Also, if you go to SF, go to Good Vibrations, the best vibrator store you will ever see. It's woman-owned and a mix of very nice women and men operate it. I once got some latex
Okay. That paragraph is over.
One last travel tip for SF: People will try to sell you on the idea of renting roller blades. This is insane. I'm wary of driving my car down some of those hills, thinking that maybe the back end will reach that perfect angle and finally flip me over forwards so that I'm careening upside down through China Town and towards Fisherman's Wharf. And you know, I can't afford to park there.
So don't do the rollerblade thing.

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