Long Live the Bee!
How come we don't honor the bee more? I'm pretty sure that without bees, we wouldn't have blossoms. Or fruit, or flowers, or vegetables and lots of other beautiful things. They go around all day, busy like nobody's business, just to make everything happen in this totally poetic way.
I guess maybe as far as they know they're just collecting pollen for their hive, for their queen, who if you hear some people tell it they really worship and serve but you have to wonder how begrudgingly.
Do they even know what they leave behind?
What if humans are doing the same? In our mad dash to grow up, eat, shit, work, drive a car and all the rest, are we leaving behind beauty, without even realizing it?

Very interesting comparison Weeziner.
I think the queen bee represents money to humans.
I think I'm going to have fish with a honey glaze for dinner!
- Captain Foliage
I also enjoy honey.
I know I have been all to anxious to grow up and shit. All of those years, I waited in the living room in awe of my father as he locked himself away in the shitter for a half an hour at a time. I suppose I've always wanted to be like him.
By the way, I've noticed something strange about Weeziner. She has a preoccupation with shit. Why is that? Was she not given enough opportunities to shit as a child? Or perhaps she has cleaned up so much shit in her life that it is permanently ingrained in her psyche. Weeziner, I hope you can finally make peace with shit through all of this writing about it.
By the way, who is the amazing artist? I'd like to know her.
Bees? Bees are extremely dangerous! Need I remind you of the hideous death of Pooh Bear! No, do not mythologize the bee.
Dear Anonymous,
I am surprised and touched at your astute understanding of my writing style. Yes, it is in fact my preoccupation with shit that drives me to write and thus explore - where does this come from? Where will it take me? When can I shit - No! See? There it is again.
It's a constant struggle, but through my careful and hopefully honest exploration of my obsession with shit, a successful one.
Yes, perhaps it stems from childhood, as does so much other shit. Damn. Motherfuck. I said shit. Damn mother fuck.
Thank you for bringing this into the open. I've been hiding for too long now - TOO LONG!
Thanks, anonymous. And please, come again.
Hey dearie - shit was NOT a diproportionate part of your childhood and I should know cause I was there. What's with "mother fuck", anyway?
Anonymous 2, you obviously have not watched Clerks enough. Either that or Anonymous 1 and I have watched it way too many times.
In any case, it would behoove you to rent it immediately. Like Dickens or Gatsby, it is a classic that so much American culture has been built off of since; you will be left in the dark without a proper understanding of it.
Thank you for your kind comments.
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
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