Dear Totally Hot,
I think I might be unlikeable. My boyfriends' friends always say hi to him when we go places but it's like they ignore me or something - almost like they don't know I'm there. What do I do?
Invisible in Indiana
Dear Invisible,
Haha. Men. Can't live with 'em, can't possibly live any sort of meaningful existence without them. Invisible, you are in the interesting position of having a man and yet being unhappy. This does happen sometimes, but the good news is the answer lies within you.
If you want his friends to notice you, you're going to have to walk that line between girl next door who's already dating my buddy and hot vixen I cannot resist. To do this well you need several things - a hot body, a demure yet fetching personality, and of course the right products. Have you thought of trying Lipsmacker Just Smacked Lipilluminaters? They lend a girl that pouty, I need to be punished look. Or how about a dab of Britney Spears' new scent, Bitch in Heat?
With a little help and the right attitude, you'll have his friends noticing you in no time! And that means you'll be Totally Hot!
Just Smacked Lipilluminaters really do live up to their name.
Bitch in Heat works too...
Hmmm...last time I used Bitch in Heat I had problems with neighborhood animals. A cheaper option that I utilize now is called totallytoe. My boyfriends' friends can't help but to notice me now. All needed are those old synthetic pants you never wear cause they're way too small and a couple girlfriends to pull em' up tiiiiiight. Weeziner, you got a coupla pics, why don't you share?
I think all of the suggestions overlook the most obvious approach which involves going topless and copious amounts of vodka. Invisible, if this is really a priority you have to be willing to do what it takes. Perhaps in the end you will find one of your boyfriend's buddies is much more to your taste anyway.
Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.
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